Version vom 3. Januar 2015, 01:37 Uhr von Siracs (Diskussion | Beiträge) (ftyperc - kann man leider nicht ins Wiki als Datei hochladen, daher als Wikiseite)
File Type table. This is :included by the joerc file. No '.' in file name? Assume it's a text file and we want wordwrap on. * --wordwrap -nobackups -asis File name with '.'? It's probably not a text file. *.* Diff * +--- -syntax diff * +*** -syntax diff * +\[1-9]\+\[0-9]\[cda] -syntax diff *.diff -syntax diff *.patch -syntax diff * +Only in -syntax diff * +Nur in -syntax diff * +Index: \[A-Za-z] -syntax diff * +? \[A-Za-z] -syntax diff Troff *.1 -wordwrap -syntax troff *.1.in -wordwrap -syntax troff TeX *.tex -wordwrap -syntax tex -tex_comment -no_double_quoted *.sty -wordwrap -syntax tex -tex_comment -no_double_quoted Text file. *.txt --wordwrap -nobackups -asis News/mail files. *.article* -wordwrap -syntax mail *.followup -wordwrap -syntax mail *.letter -wordwrap -syntax mail NN newsreader *tmp/nn.* -wordwrap -syntax mail mail *tmp/Re* -wordwrap -syntax mail elm *tmp/snd.* -wordwrap -syntax mail dmail *tmp/dmt* -wordwrap -syntax mail pine *tmp/pico.* -wordwrap -syntax mail Assembly language *.asm -wordwrap -syntax asm *.s -wordwrap -syntax asm *.S -wordwrap -syntax asm Mason *.mas -autoindent -syntax mason -smarthome -smartbacks SML *.sml -autoindent -syntax sml -smarthome -smartbacks -istep 2 OCaml lanaguage file *.ml -autoindent -syntax ocaml -smarthome -smartbacks -istep 2 OCaml language interface *.mli -autoindent -syntax ocaml -smarthome -smartbacks -istep 2 Ruby *.rb -autoindent -syntax ruby Perl * +#!\+\[ ]\+\[a-z/]/perl\> -autoindent -syntax perl -smarthome -smartbacks -pound_comment -single_quoted *.pl -autoindent -syntax perl -smarthome -smartbacks -pound_comment -single_quoted *.pm -autoindent -syntax perl -smarthome -smartbacks -pound_comment -single_quoted SQL file *.sql -autoindent -syntax sql -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -single_quoted -c_comment -vhdl_comment -cpp_comment -text_delimiters BEGIN|Begin|begin=END|End|end -cpara >#!;*/% AWK language file *.awk -autoindent -syntax awk -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -pound_comment YACC *.y -autoindent -syntax c -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -single_quoted -c_comment -cpp_comment -text_delimiters #if|#ifdef|#ifndef=#elif=#else=#endif -cpara >#!;*/% LEX *.l -autoindent -syntax c -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -single_quoted -c_comment -cpp_comment -text_delimiters #if|#ifdef|#ifndef=#elif=#else=#endif -cpara >#!;*/% *.lex -autoindent -syntax c -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -single_quoted -c_comment -cpp_comment -text_delimiters #if|#ifdef|#ifndef=#elif=#else=#endif -cpara >#!;*/% ADA *.adb -syntax ada -autoindent -istep 2 -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -vhdl_comment -text_delimiters declare|Declare|DECLARE|exception|Exception|EXCEPTION|if|If|IF|loop|Loop|LOOP|case|Case|CASE|package|Package|PACKAGE|procedure|Procedure|PROCEDURE|record|Record|RECORD|function|Function|FUNCTION=end|End|END *.ads -syntax ada -autoindent -istep 2 -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -vhdl_comment -text_delimiters declare|Declare|DECLARE|exception|Exception|EXCEPTION|if|If|IF|loop|Loop|LOOP|case|Case|CASE|package|Package|PACKAGE|procedure|Procedure|PROCEDURE|record|Record|RECORD|function|Function|FUNCTION=end|End|END COBOL *.cbl -syntax cobol *.cob -syntax cobol REXX *.rex -syntax rexx -autoindent *.REX -syntax rexx -autoindent * +#!\+\[ ]\+\[a-z/]/rxx\> -syntax rexx -autoindent sed *.sed -syntax sed Postscript *.ps -syntax ps *.eps -syntax ps C language file *.c -autoindent -syntax c -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -single_quoted -c_comment -cpp_comment -text_delimiters #if|#ifdef|#ifndef=#elif=#else=#endif -cpara >#!;*/% *.cpp -autoindent -syntax c -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -single_quoted -c_comment -cpp_comment -text_delimiters #if|#ifdef|#ifndef=#elif=#else=#endif -cpara >#!;*/% *.cc -autoindent -syntax c -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -single_quoted -c_comment -cpp_comment -text_delimiters #if|#ifdef|#ifndef=#elif=#else=#endif -cpara >#!;*/% *.c++ -autoindent -syntax c -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -single_quoted -c_comment -cpp_comment -text_delimiters #if|#ifdef|#ifndef=#elif=#else=#endif -cpara >#!;*/% C language header file *.h -autoindent -syntax c -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -single_quoted -c_comment -cpp_comment -text_delimiters #if|#ifdef|#ifndef=#elif=#else=#endif -cpara >#!;*/% *.h.in -autoindent -syntax c -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -single_quoted -c_comment -cpp_comment -text_delimiters #if|#ifdef|#ifndef=#elif=#else=#endif -cpara >#!;*/% *.hpp -autoindent -syntax c -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -single_quoted -c_comment -cpp_comment -text_delimiters #if|#ifdef|#ifndef=#elif=#else=#endif -cpara >#!;*/% *.h++ -autoindent -syntax c -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -single_quoted -c_comment -cpp_comment -text_delimiters #if|#ifdef|#ifndef=#elif=#else=#endif -cpara >#!;*/% Verilog file *.v -autoindent -syntax verilog -istep 2 -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -c_comment -cpp_comment -text_delimiters `ifdef|`ifndef=`else=`endif:begin=end:case|casex|casez=endcase:function=endfunction:module=endmodule:task=endtask:attribute=endattribute:primitive=endprimitive:table=endtable -cpara >#!;*/% Verilog header file *.vh -autoindent -syntax verilog -istep 2 -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -c_comment -cpp_comment -text_delimiters `ifdef|`ifndef=`else=`endif:begin=end:case|casex|casez=endcase:function=endfunction:module=endmodule:task=endtask:attribute=endattribute:primitive=endprimitive:table=endtable -cpara >#!;*/% VHDL file *.vhd -autoindent -syntax vhdl -istep 2 -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -vhdl_comment -text_delimiters entity|ENTITY|if|IF|component|COMPONENT|loop|LOOP|configuration|CONFIGURATION|units|UNITS|record|RECORD|case|CASE|function|FUNCTION|package|PACKAGE|architecture|ARCHITECTURE|block|BLOCK|process|PROCESS|generate|GENERATE=end|END -cpara >#!;*-/% XML *.xml --wordwrap -autoindent -syntax xml XML *.xsd --wordwrap -autoindent -syntax xml HTML *.htm --wordwrap --autoindent -syntax html *.html --wordwrap --autoindent -syntax html JAVA *.java -autoindent -syntax java -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -cpara >#!;*/% Javascript *.js -autoindent -syntax java -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -cpara >#!;*/% Hypertext preprocessor file *.php -syntax php -smarthome -smartbacks -purify Python * +#!\+\[ ]\+\[a-z/]\+\[ ]python\+\[0-9]\> -autoindent -syntax python -smarthome -smartbacks -purify *.py -autoindent -syntax python -smarthome -smartbacks -purify CSH * +#!\+\[ ]\+\[a-z/]/csh\> -autoindent -syntax csh -pound_comment *.csh -autoindent -syntax csh -pound_comment *.login -autoindent -syntax csh -pound_comment *.logout -autoindent -syntax csh -pound_comment TCSH * +#!\+\[ ]\+\[a-z/]/tcsh\> -autoindent -syntax csh -pound_comment *.tcsh -autoindent -syntax csh -pound_comment *.tcshrc -autoindent -syntax csh -pound_comment Shell * +#!\+\[ ]\+\[a-z/]/sh\> -autoindent -syntax sh -pound_comment -text_delimiters do=done:if=elif=else=fi:case=esac *.sh -autoindent -syntax sh -pound_comment -text_delimiters do=done:if=elif=else=fi:case=esac *profile -autoindent -syntax sh -pound_comment -text_delimiters do=done:if=elif=else=fi:case=esac BASH Shell * +#!\+\[ ]\+\[a-z/]/bash\> -autoindent -syntax sh -pound_comment -text_delimiters do=done:if=elif=else=fi:case=esac *.bash -autoindent -syntax sh -pound_comment -text_delimiters do=done:if=elif=else=fi:case=esac *.bash_login -autoindent -syntax sh -pound_comment -text_delimiters do=done:if=elif=else=fi:case=esac *.bash_logout -autoindent -syntax sh -pound_comment -text_delimiters do=done:if=elif=else=fi:case=esac LISP *.lisp -autoindent -syntax lisp -semi_comment *.lsp -autoindent -syntax lisp -semi_comment *.el -autoindent -syntax lisp -semi_comment KSH * +#!\+\[ ]\+\[a-z/]/ksh\> -autoindent -syntax sh -pound_comment -text_delimiters do=done:if=elif=else=fi:case=esac *.ksh -autoindent -syntax sh -pound_comment -text_delimiters do=done:if=elif=else=fi:case=esac Makefile *akefile -autoindent -syntax conf -pound_comment *akefile.in -autoindent -syntax conf -pound_comment *AKEFILE -autoindent -syntax conf -pound_comment Pascal *.p -autoindent -syntax pascal -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -text_delimiters begin|BEGIN|record|RECORD|case|CASE=end|END:repeat|REPEAT=until|UNTIL *.pas -autoindent -syntax pascal -smarthome -smartbacks -purify -text_delimiters begin|BEGIN|record|RECORD|case|CASE=end|END:repeat|REPEAT=until|UNTIL Fortran *.f -autoindent -syntax fortran *.for -autoindent -syntax fortran *.FOR -autoindent -syntax fortran Cadence SKILL *.il -semi_comment -syntax skill -autoindent -istep 3 -indentc 32 -smartbacks -smarthome -indentfirst LUA *.lua -autoindent -syntax lua TCL *.tcl -autoindent -syntax tcl Joe Syntax File *.jsf -autoindent -syntax jsf -smarthome *.jsf.in -autoindent -syntax jsf -smarthome Autoconfig file *.ac -autoindent -syntax m4 M4 file *.m4 -autoindent -syntax m4 Matlab file *.m -wordwrap -syntax matlab Automake file *.am -autoindent -syntax conf Mail file *tmp/mutt-* -wordwrap -syntax mail System RC file *rc -syntax conf JOERC file *ftyperc -syntax joerc *joerc -syntax joerc *jmacsrc -syntax joerc *jstarrc -syntax joerc *rjoerc -syntax joerc *jpicorc -syntax joerc *joerc.in -syntax joerc *jmacsrc.in -syntax joerc *jstarrc.in -syntax joerc *rjoerc.in -syntax joerc *jpicorc.in -syntax joerc